Timesheet Portal

December 19, 2017

The engineering timesheet portal is live! Once signed in, student workers and other timesheet-based employees are able to view their hours as well as print out their timesheets that are submitted to get paid. Managers are able to monitor hours worked, update where necessary, and print timesheets for students or employees who may be out of the office on the day the timesheets are due. The system integrates with a custom built clock in system developed by Engineering IT utilizing a raspberri pi, a card scanner, and a bit of 3D printing ingenuity. We’ve found the timesheet system to not only decrease the burden of oversight on supervisors, but also make the lives of those turning in timesheets easier. No more keeping up with hours and filling out forms – just scan in when you come in to work, scan out when you leave work, print the timesheet on the due date, sign it, and turn it in!
